theres never enough Dakar coverage on traditional media channels, so I love the idea of getting the app data as it is happening LIVE!! I hate waiting for the lousy half hour daily update from eurosport, which doesnt even begin to answer all my questions about the days stage. the app is mostly working fine for me, not sure why others have complained, perhaps it is because I have not yet updated to ios5? the video links do not work, but that is a small portion of what the app offers, and I can go to the web page on safari for those anyway. there are pages of info on each stage and the competitors rankings are listed by stage, division, and then the overall times to refer to. audio interviews are on there too, the route, and a news feed updates constantly. I hope they continue this app and improve it for next year, can never have enough Dakar! just wish there were more interviews of some of the underdogs, not just frontrunners, and no one seems to mention what happened to the electric car guys? would love an iPad version as I dont have a phone and its better resolution would do the photos justice....
after update for 2013 videos almost work but then the app freezes and I have to delete and reinstall to get it working again ios5.1 now this year the audio doesnt seem to be available and the video still not working but at least Im getting updated with the news and I can see the stage today has an almost 600 m drop in no time at all! wow!
snapwrite about Dakar Rally, v2.1